The website for the new Green Trail Concept project is now live! Check it out!


The GreenTrailConcept project started in January 2023 with the participation of the Ecoserveis Association, the Kilian Jornet Foundation, GRID-Arendal, and ADP Sport Events AB. Over the past six months, the team has been working hard to get the project off the ground, and we are very happy to announce that some of these efforts have culminated in a fantastic website that now are unveiling and officially launching.

Within this website, you will have access to all the information needed about the project and its partners. You will have the opportunity to stay updated by following the latest news on the GreenTrailConcept project and its events. Furthermore, you can subscribe to our blog to receive notifications of new posts, ensuring you never miss any exciting updates.
Additionally, in the future the certification tool will be incorporated, providing you with easy access to that resource.

If you have any questions and inquiries after visiting the website, you will be able access the project’s contact information and ask us directly any additional details you might be interested in knowing.
So don’t miss the opportunity and visit!

GreenTrailConcept is an EU funded project by the Erasmus+ program aimed at incorporating environmentally, socially, and ethically sustainable practices in the management of mountain running events. GreenTrailConcept will become an awareness platform for participants, audiences, sport organizations, and public administrations to reduce the environmental impact of trail running and increase socioeconomical benefits. Furthermore, it will create a certification scheme that will help event organizers to reach sustainable goals.